….the BIG BLACK DRUM have invaded the bay!!!!! Book your fishing charter now!They will be hanging around for the next couple of weeks devastating any offering, these fish pull like freight trains and never give up, so if your up to the battle , up to the challenge, skip your visit to the gym and get some serious back and arm training for the week, a little muscle confusion goes along way!
On the flip side the redfish and sheeps head have been chewing well! We have been getting enough for dinner with the sheppies, and feeling the frustration of the tailing reds. If you are wanting to target the big overslot reds in shallow water now is the time! Targeting these fish my be a little more interesting, you will bail out of the boat, wade to the fish and present the baits, I have been on these fish on the big low tides associated with the new and full moon. You will need a snug pair of old tennis shoes or wading boots.
In the next couple of weeks if the weather stays this nice things will break loose, the bait will show on the flats, the trout, mackerel and cobia will follow! Spring is almost here!