Tampa Fishing Charters with Cal.
Recently I got a call from Barry, he had not fished with me before but laid out the scenario, this would be his grandson Cal’s first fishing trip and there were some things to be prioritized. This trip was about Cal, and showing him a good time fishing and begin the cycle again for a new generation, my specialty!

Cal and his first snook
I met Cal, Grandpa ( I think I heard him addressed as Poppy) Barry and Uncle Dave at Hula Bay Club to begin our adventure. Advancing the throttle we made our way south into the belly of Tampa Bay in search of Mackerel, the Spanish variety, they are great fun for new anglers and if you take the opportunity to teach you can begin to instill values and ethics along with fish fighting skills.
A couple of lady fish and a mackerel and we left the shoal, the predicted light and variable wind was now honking out of the north east at about 12kts. We got on a trout spot and got another mackerel the wind and tide combination was just not right for this spot.
We found ourselves in the snook spot that i intended to fish last, much earlier than I intended. I move here and there and we were positioned perfectly, wind at our back although it is now kinda light and variable. Cal was keeping busy watching the bait in the livewell while Uncle Dave and Poppy and I kept priming the snook. The tide hit the magical point and the fish began to feed, we quickly doubled our measly previous catch of 4 and were well on our way to a 20 plus snook bite.
The bite was done and so was Cal, Cal learned a lot that day, and most if it he does not know he learned.
If you have a young angler you would like to introduce to fishing ,if your a new angler wanting to learn, or a seasoned Fisherman, Book your Tampa Fishing Charters and have an adventure with Captain Tim, 813-714-0889