Fishing Charters Tampa
Recent Report
Snook and the water temperature have bounced back after the front, though it took a few days. You may find that the snook you were on moved some completely some only moved a few hundred yards. Either way there are a variety of shad tail type bats as well as spoons that work fantastic to search out new pods if fish. The big females seem to have separated from the males in preparation for the spawn.

Snook for Kelsey
Redfish are scattered about the flats and mixed in with the snook of similar size. Cut thredfin herring are top baits for the live bait crowd you cant beat a sardine and a small pinfish is a close second. Gold or bronze spoons are perfect for tossing in and around the mullet schools.
Trout are all over in the 15 to 17 inch range and are feeding well on an incoming tide. Look for deep water nearby with good flow and fish the edges of the grass and sand. The bigger fish have been laying on the sand and choose to strike when you least expect it.
Cobia have finally made a good push into the bay. Look on the backs of sting rays and manatee’s. Some of the places they are found you can fish form trout or mackerel with a chum bag out, this draws in the rays and the cobia follow waiting for the rays ton spook up an unsuspecting pinfsh or crab.