South Tampa Fishing Charters
I was doing some site maintenance and came across this report from last year. If patterns continue my forecast for this September should be close to the same. Redfish schooled up on the moon phases and snook fattening up for the winter. Late summer/early fall is such an exciting time to book a Tampa Bay Fishing Charter. Redfish have been chewing well as the tide reaches its peak.
The following is a report from September of 2015

Tampa Bay Redfish
Recent catches of slot fish all over Tampa Bay have had the rods bending and the reels screaming for relief. I get a lot of complaints this time of year, “my arm hurts” and “my writs hurts”, are the top two.
Most of these fish are grouped up in pods of 20 to 100 and they are milling around in areas that are holding large mullet. Targeting these bullish, ruddy fish can be frustrating and rewarding the same time. They like to ambush and good moving water is a must. Look around any bars, oyster and sand, they create current movement and start funneling in the bait and as the tide rises the baits begin flushing over the bar and into the crushing mouths of hungry redfish.
A 7’6” medium action rod with a 40 series reel is a great combination offering up a strong back bone and the winching power needed to haul stubborn redfish out of the bushes.
If you have been wanting to catch redfish, put a meal on the table, or just bend some rods now is the time The late summer/early fall is a great time to get out and discover what Tampa Bay has to offer and Swift Fish Charters is here to help you live the adventure. To book your Fishing Charters Tampa Call or text 813-714-0889 or shoot Captain Tim an email at